The Building

The Building
Originally uploaded by kenf225

I rode over the Brooklyn Bridge and met mary_wroth, her friend Jon, and his cousin, to see David Byrne’s installation, Playing The Building, down at the old Battery Maritime Building. This is the beautiful old ferry terminal, just north of the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, that was abandoned for decades and is now finally being restored. The new Governor’s Island ferry (which allows BIKES!) now runs from there.

Byrne’s installation is a lone organ sitting in the midst of a huge room, with wires running from the organ to every corner of the room. As you play keys on the organ, hammers hit pillars, air rushes through pipes, and motors vibrate the structure, and you are literally “playing the building.”

I didn’t actually play, since the line was long and it was more fun to wander around the room and be surrounded by the noises. Even on a sunny Friday afternoon, it’s thoroughly spooky, especially since you enter and leave through the deserted entrance hall to one of the ferry slps.

It’s a fascinating installation in a wonderful old building and I think I’ll be going back.

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Long Meadow Flag

I have no idea why, but a bunch of people are unfurling a huge flag on the Long Meadow in Prospect Park.

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The Telectroscope

The Telectroscope
Originally uploaded by kenf225

I rode down to Fulton Ferry this afternoon to check out the Telectroscope, a truly inspired art project with a whole Victorian-era steampunk back story: a long-lost tunnel to London, started in the 19th century, has finally been completed, and a viewing device installed so you can look through it and see people on the other side, under Tower Bridge alongside the Thames.

Perhaps it sounds silly; an overblown conceit surrounding something you could do with a couple of webcams. But it’s not; there’s something magical about the story, about the fixed location, about it being public, about looking into the “tunnel” and seeing strangers five thousand miles waving back at you. People make appointments to meet up, or use the handy whiteboards to write messages to each other.

On a Sunday afternoon, the line was too long to wait on, but perhaps I’ll stop by on my next morning ride into Manhattan and see what the lunchtime crowds in London look like. (More photos below the cut.)

Hello, London!

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Crowded Stage

Crowded House
Originally uploaded by kenf225

It’s an ironclad rule of rock&roll that anything involving a children’s chorus is a bad idea. From “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” to the Clash’s remake of “Career Opportunities,” the results are usually mawkish at best and disastrous at worst.

But not last night, at Crowded House’s show at Irving Plaza. The PS 22 Chorus, from an elementary school in northwest Staten Island, has made something of a name for itself by performing wonderful arrangements of contemporary pop hits, and has performed them with stars like Tori Amos. And last night they opened for Crowded House.

The kids came out and did a couple of songs on their own, under the direction of the teacher, Gregg Breinberg, and then Neil Finn came out, grinning from ear to ear and applauding, and the rest of the band joined him, and they did two more songs. The version of “Throw Your Arms Around Me” they did is beyond description — it’s a beautiful song to begin with, but the kids clearly love it and get it.

Best of all, these are NYC kids. They didn’t turn it into weepy sentimentality Kodak-moment crap. They were funny and they had attitude and one girl stepped out to lead a song and when the audience failed to sing along properly on the first try she gave us all a look that would have peeled paint, and everyone sang along the next time.

Watching these kids — and their teacher — gave me some hope for my home borough, which is not something I say very often. If a Tori-phile choir director is getting his kids to do things like this, then things have obviously changed.

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For My Subaru-Driving Friends

A museum for the car’s most annoying feature.
For Subaru-Driving Friends

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Park Days, Music Night

Rustic Shelter
Originally uploaded by kenf225

I’ve been out on the bike every day this week, either heading into Manhattan, or doing a couple of laps and then eating lunch outside in the middle of the day.

I took the camera along today. It helps break up the stream of music photos in my photostream, since I’ve been out seeing music every night. You can see those at ponkiespics. That’s going to continue for at least another two nights, and I’ll break the streak on Sunday only because I’ll be playing/rehearsing. Life is good.

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Virgin Street

Even the streets are reborn in springtime. My street has just been repaved,and hasn’t yet been opened to traffic. The shiny black surface is so far the exclusive domain of kids coming home from school, discovering the newly smooth surface, and frolicking in the asphalt-scented spring sunshine. Although I’m sure they’d really hate to hear it called “frolicking.”

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Hazmat Modine

Hazmat Modine
Originally uploaded by kenf225

I forgot to post this, but Hazmat Modine is one of the strangest and most interesting bands I know. I mean, two harmonicas, no waiting, do I need to say more? But there’s no bass, just a tuba (just???), and a rotating collection of unbelievable guest stars. Wade Schuman plays old blues harp, old jazz guitar, and the weirdest world-music flavored blues you’ve ever heard — the Crossroads he went down to was somewhere in Romania.

They played last weekend at Drom, in the East Village, a really nice room that they filled up and then rocked. See the rest of the photos.

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