Summer Streets

The Viaduct
Originally uploaded by kenf225

Today was the last of three Saturdays when the city closed Lafayette Street and Park Avenue, so you could ride from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park without any cars.

The high point for me was getting to ride (and stop and look) around the viaduct that goes around Grand Central Terminal and the Pan Am Building (MetLife SchmetLife). I’ve driven it a few times but it’s usually a madhouse of taxis and other insane people, so being able to ride around it a couple of times and stop to take photos was a real treat.

I had lunch in the park and came home via the West Side bike path, a real treat on a day like today, and over the Manhattan Bridge. A little over 20 miles overall, so a pretty relaxing day.

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Shove That Pig’s Foot a Little Further In the Fire

We’re about halfway through Southern Week at Ashokan, and while it’s been raining an awful lot we’re still having a great time. I’ve spent the last few weeks playing a lot of fiddle tunes, some with very amusing names. The below is one round of “Shove That Pig’s Foot a Little Further In the Fire.” I’m taking the video, so I’m not in it, but thanks to the harmonica rack you can hear me playing. Brooklynites will recognize a few other pickers in the crowd. Photos are accumulating on Flickr.

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Give the Fiddler a Dram

Halliehurst Porch
Originally uploaded by kenf225

I passed the 1,000 mile mark just north of the Maryland-Pennsylvania border this morning, heading north from the Augusta Heritage Festival in West Virginia, where I’ve spent the last week playing tunes, working a lot on guitar accompaniment, and doing a lot of singing. All in a very beautiful spot with near-perfect weather, complete with a fall nip in the air last night. We sat outside and sang duets and honky tonk tunes, joined an enormous jam on the porch, and then followed the sound of pounding feet to find an impromptu lesson in Irish set-dancing going on.

You can follow more of the story in photos of the week at Augusta as well as an ongoing set of photos taken on the road.

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The Woodsmen’s Festival

Timber-Felling Competition
Originally uploaded by kenf225

The gig yesterday at the Woodsmen’s Festival was great fun. The day started off with a vicious thunderstorm and torrential rain, but cleared into a near-perfect day by the time we did the sound check at 9:30. I played with the Belles Trio, who were alternating sets with two other bands including some other friends of ours from the Philadelphia area, and it was just a great day of listening to and playing music outdoors in a pretty spot.

We had a decent-sized crowd, but nothing like the chock-full bleachers around the field where the competitions were happening. The chainsaw races were loud, but the timber-felling was truly impressive. Not only do these guys bring down a sizeable tree (actually a log stood on end) with frightening dispatch, most of them land it on a small peg — it’s not just about speed, but also about accuracy.

This area of Pennsylvania (we were in Potter County) once had the largest sawmill in the country, and almost all the trees in the area are less than a hundred years old since just about every tree was cut down back in the 19th century. There are tours to go see the very few old-growth trees left. Apparently one of the reasons old trees were preserved, in small groves of a dozen or so, was in case of fire. You needed to save enough logs to rebuild your house if it burned down.

I spent today driving down through Pennsylvania and Maryland to West Virginia, for Old-Time Week at the Augusta Heritage Festival. In other words, I’ll be surrounded by fiddles and banjos for a week. Luckily, there’s at least one other harmonica player here.

Time and connectivity allowing, I’m posting photos to Flickr.

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Lunch in Philipsburg, PA


Philipsburg was the western edge of our coverage area when I worked for the Centre Daily Times in State College. (I started that job almost exactly 20 years ago.) It’s got a pretty, but faded, downtown, where I’m eating at The Little Restaurant.

I’m on my way to the Appalachian Thruway (which is now apparently an interstate, 99) which will take me down into West Virginia.

This is the first time I’ve had cell service since Friday evening.

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Kate Steps Out

This Friday night in Red Hook I’ll be playing a very special show with Kate Giampetruzzi. Some of you may remember the wonderful shows I used to get to play as part of the Kate and Lou Band. Lou died in 2006, but as hard as it’s been, Kate has been singing and playing and writing some incredible songs. She’s going to perform some of them this Friday night at Sunny’s, in Red Hook, on a double bill with Tone Johansen, who runs Sunny’s and is also a gifted songwriter and singer (and jazz guitarist). They’ve assembled some of the city’s best musicians to play with them (I feel very fortunate to be playing with them) and it will be a very special night of music at what, despite all the changes, remains a very special bar.

Also, Sunday evening, I’ll be playing a blues/rock gig at the Greenwich Village Bistro with Saboteur Tiger. I don’t think it will be magical, but it’ll be a heck of a lot of fun.

Details are on my site.

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